• Dotty Bee Year of the Monkey Baby Bouquet

Dotty Bee Year of the Monkey Baby Bouquet


Our bestselling baby clothes bouquet has been given a Year of the Monkey twist! Celebrate a monkey baby with this Chinese New Year baby gift made with white or yellow baby clothing, silk flowers and red berries for an extra special gift.

The hand-tied baby clothes bouquet contains 100% cotton items of baby clothing and includes everything a baby will need! Placed in an outer box with an inner gift box, the bouquet inside is wrapped with beautiful tissue paper and a ribbon to be delivered exactly as it looked when sent. There's a special Lucky Baby Monkey gift tag design to add a personal message and a contents label with care instructions. 

This product is free to deliver anywhere within Hong Kong!

A perfect baby gift to celebrate a new monkey baby for your friends and family this year. 

The bouquet contains:

1 x Winding Cloth

1 x Hat

4 x Pairs of Socks

2 x Bodysuits

1 x Bib

baby winding cloth baby hat baby socks baby bodysuits baby bib




Our product #: 1620

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