Ergobaby Aerloom 3 式簡約嬰兒揹帶透氣款


  適合年齡 0 - 3 years

Ergobaby Aerloom 專為父母的日常生活而設計,使他們能夠與嬰兒一起過著美滿的生活同時感受到個人生活。 它讓父母對舒適注入了一個新定義 - 貼身,輕盈及透氣。


  • 這具有彈性及支撐力的嬰兒背帶就像父母和嬰兒的第二層肌膚。 FormaKnit 面料,流線型設計和弧形肩帶可讓嬰兒背帶根據不同的身型作出調整。它還可以調整出符合人體工學原理並適合嬰兒臀部的座位


  • 作為市場上最輕便的嬰兒背帶之一(0.66kg),父母可在無需額外的配件下舒適地背著嬰兒


  • 嬰兒背帶加入了無縫織物,透氣的設計可讓父母和嬰兒在外出時保持涼爽


  • 嬰兒背帶上的拉鍊口袋可放入手機,鑰匙和卡片!在不需要使用的時候,它可以捲起來存放


  • 易於使用的腰部支撐腰帶,為你的背部帶來額外的舒適感

什麼是 FormaKnit?

  • 輕巧耐用的機織面料,可以在不會增加體積的情況下達致伸展,支撐和透氣功能


  • 織物:87% 回收聚酯纖維,13% 尼龍
  • 身體/腰帶襯裡:100% 棉


我們的產品號碼: 217572

Lizzi Moran
Reviewed on: 2021-11-04
Verified Purchase
This is an extremely comfortable carrier that has been a lifesaver with my little baby! Material is lightweight and not too sweaty, looks good and is sustainable.

Lizzi Moran
Reviewed on: 2021-09-29
Verified Purchase
Easy to use, lightweight and looks good - the perfect structured baby carrier!

  Love it
Reviewed on: 2021-09-28
Verified Purchase
Love our Ergobaby carrier. Our first child was always in her Ergobaby carrier so we definitely had to have one for our second child..

  Excellent carrier
Reviewed on: 2021-09-28
Verified Purchase
We spent a bit of time researching different carriers as we were planning to mainly use a carrier rather than a pram. This

  Must have!
Reviewed on: 2021-09-28
Verified Purchase
I didn’t purchase a baby carrier prior to having my son. When he was unsettled at night whilst I needed to cook dinner I decided to invest in a carrier. I am so glad I purchased the Aerloom! Super comfortable to wear and my son cannot stay awake once put in it while I cook dinner or go for a walk. Highly recommend.

  Smart design, comfortably and sleek.
Reviewed on: 2021-09-29
Verified Purchase
Love this carrier. mum, dad and baby are all fans. It's fantastic for wearing forward, facing in or back-pack style, and suits me as a petite mum and dad as a 6ft2in guy. sleek like the embrace, but with fantastic adaptations that provide smart adjustability for perfect comfort. Babywearing can be hot (sydney based reviewer) so I also appreciate the light and airy fabric choice for parent and baby, and this also means its nowhere near as bulky to cart around as some of the other varients on offer from ergo. couldn't rate more highly, and a friend has already purchased this because I've raved so much (she loves it too). I'm not into big expensive purchases for babies, but babywearing is important for safe bonding and practical handsfree time, so I back this purchase 100%.

  ergobaby Aerloom in Sand
Reviewed on: 2021-09-02
Verified Purchase
our Aerloom arrived today. very fast shipping. love the colour (we chose Sand) and it's so light and compact. beautiful soft but durable knitted fabric and contrast lining. the fact that it's made from recyclables is a bonus. Ps if you're unsure of the colours - check the US Instagram page and you can see them all in natural light

  Comfortable Carrier!
Reviewed on: 2022-06-20
Verified Purchase
Absolutely love this carrier! It’s lightweight, strong & comfortable. I tried the Omni 360 but as I have a slim frame I found it too bulky and I couldn’t get the fit right, so I ordered the Aerloom to try and I’m so glad I did. I do wish it has the sunshade feature though but it’s not a dealbreaker as it’s so comfortable, doesn’t even feel like your wearing a carrier. Highly recommend.

  Comfortable Carrier!
Reviewed on: 2022-06-20
Verified Purchase
Absolutely love this carrier! It’s lightweight, strong & comfortable. I tried the Omni 360 but as I have a slim frame I found it too bulky and I couldn’t get the fit right, so I ordered the Aerloom to try and I’m so glad I did. I do wish it has the sunshade feature though but it’s not a dealbreaker as it’s so comfortable, doesn’t even feel like your wearing a carrier. Highly recommend.

Eliza Cooper
  Life changing
Reviewed on: 2022-09-03
Verified Purchase
I love it so so much, it’s so easy to put on by yourself, so comfortable for me and baby and the colour is awesome! I started using it with my son from 7 weeks and he LOVES to snooze in it!! GAMECHANGER, would recommend to every parent!

Vivian Chan
  Finally my hands are free!!!
Reviewed on: 2022-08-02
Verified Purchase
Love it. I don't have to carry my baby w hands and stuck in the chair all day.. I'm now able to walk around doing stuff while baby fell asleep in it.

Sianny Sianny
  Light and stylish
Reviewed on: 2023-01-14
Verified Purchase
Perfect for my newborn, it is lightweight and soft.. easy carry and usage especially travelling.

Patrick Chung
  happy with purchase
Reviewed on: 2023-01-23
Verified Purchase
This is our first and only carrier so we don't have others to compare against, but we have been very happy with the purchase. The aerloom is stylish and great quality. We liked that it was more compact with less fiddley parts compared to other carriers we looked at. The newborn conversion is great for using when baby was very little. Being lightweight and breathable is important because carriers will all get very warm by nature. Again, nothing to compare against, but this one seems to be serve well on warmer days. We got it when she was 6 weeks old and she didn't mind being carried in it. Usually a bit of a fuss getting in, but she would settle down once we started moving. 4 months on and we just started using front-facing. She seems to really enjoy that. She 5 months old now and still fitting very comfortably - lots of room to grow still.