Jellystone Designs 海洋堆疊杯 - 明亮


  適合年齡 9+ months

Make bath time and sensory play oh so fun!

A set of 5 Stacking Cups plus 5 Treasure Coins! Our Ocean Stacking Cups to help your kids explore marine life through sensory play. Stack them up, nest them, hide objects under, texture stamp with sand or playdough...and match the coins with their cup! 

Make bath time a delight scooping and pouring the water. Which ones sink? Which ones float? Can you throw the Treasure Coins into their matching Cups?!

Learn about marine creatures as each cup features a different ocean animal: whales, sharks, turtles, octopus and crab! Add the cups to bath time; scoop and pour, sink and float the cups or use as containers in messy play. 

  • 5 Stacking Cups + 5 Treasure Coins
  • Perfect for stacking and ordering
  • Each cup features a different ocean creature
  • All fit neatly together for ease of storage
  • Perfect bath toy for pouring and scooping

We love this silicone material so much. It can get wet and will dry perfectly never attracting the growth of mould or any nasties like that. It's so durable and ready for the most boisterous sensory play time or bath adventures!

我們的產品號碼: 224954
