Preserve your precious sleep routine when it’s time to transition.
As soon as your baby starts showing signs of trying to roll, you must transition them to ‘arms-free’ sleep. Love to Dream Transition Bags can help to ease this adjustment, enabling you to zip off one ‘wing’ to start with (for a few sleep cycles), until your baby is ready to sleep with both arms out.
Made with LENZING EcoVero this premium transition bag has certified eco-responsible production, whereby the viscose (bamboo) fibres are sourced and processed with low environmental impact.
Babies often use their hands to settle themselves to sleep, either by sucking on their fingers or gently rubbing their cheeks. Medical research has shown that these self-soothing instincts can result in better sleep, for longer.
Unlike traditional swaddles, the design of Love to Dream’s Swaddle Up supports the natural sleep position of babies who like to have their Arms Up – enabling true Self-Soothing, while still calming the startle reflex with the garment’s snug, swaddle fit.
The twin zipper also makes nappy changing a breeze, with easy accessibility from the bottom zip. Then for feeding time, simply unzip from just the top to allow baby to use their hands.
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