這款背包使用輕量布料和時尚的細部車縫,讓你在旅行或外出時可以便利地騰出雙手照顧小孩。闊大的內部空間,可以把從零食到備用衣物的所有東西背著走,超寬袋口設計讓你在必要時可輕鬆找到所需物品。正面隔層包含 2 個多用途置物隔間,加大收納容量。伸縮內袋和隔熱的奶瓶側袋,讓你可以輕鬆取到一切用品。換片墊隔間具有雙重功能,在旅游時可用來放置筆記型電腦。有了兼具功能與時尚的 Forma 隨身行背包,就可以亮麗地度過寶寶出生、幼兒時期以及往後的時光。
So convenient, many pocket inside helps to split things.
Shanell Baldwin
Plenty of Space!
Reviewed on: 2020-04-10
Verified Purchase
I bought this as an upgrade from my storksak noa after watching video reviews showing how much space it is and how comfortable it is to carry. It did not disappoint! There is plenty of space for everything my two under two need on an outing ☺️