  • 155 gr of leek
  • 35 gr of rice
  • ½ egg
  • ½ tsp of olive oil
  • 30 gr of rice
Step 1
Put the rice in the rice cooker with 45 ml of water.
Step 2
Put water in tank 3 and start cooking.
Step 3
Cut the green part of the leek and remove the hairy base. Cut the white part into quarters and then into 1 cm long pieces. Let them soak for a few minutes in cool water and rinse them well.
Step 4
When the rice is cooked, remove the rice cooker and put the leek whites in the steamer basket.
Step 5
Put water in tank 2 and start cooking.
Step 6
Set aside the cooking juice.
Step 7
In a saucepan, cook the egg (starting with cold water) with baking soda for 10 minutes after boiling.
Step 8
Put the leek whites in the bowl.
Step 9
Put the rice in the bowl.
Step 10
Pour the olive oil into the bowl.
Step 11
Put the hard-boiled egg in the bowl.
Step 12
Add some of the cooking juice depending on the desired texture.
Step 13
Blend the bowl content.