• Books I Do It Like This!

Books I Do It Like This!


"I Do It Like This!" by Susie Brooks, with captivating illustrations by Cally Johnson-Isaacs, invites children aged 3 and above to explore the fascinating world of animals and discover the delightful ways they do things.

In this interactive book, young readers get to compare their actions—such as how they move, sleep, eat, wash, keep warm, and even dance—with a diverse array of creatures from across the globe. The book provides an engaging and fun way for children to learn about animals. They are encouraged to celebrate both the differences and similarities they share with various creatures, fostering an appreciation for the rich diversity of the animal kingdom.

About the Author:
Susie Brooks, an award-winning author with a rich background in children's non-fiction and picture books spanning over a decade, brings her passion for the unusual and extraordinary to "I Do It Like This!" Her works, inspired by global travels, captivate young minds with curiosity.

About the Illustrator:
Cally Johnson-Isaacs, an Illustration graduate from Newcastle Art College, lends her artistic prowess to bring the pages of "I Do It Like This!" to life. Her illustrations, marked by charm and creativity, add an extra layer of delight to this interactive exploration of the animal kingdom.

Our product #: 222451

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