Do you remember having a special teddy bear or perhaps a blanket when you were little? It was your security, you held it close to you, it’s smell made you feel safe and by your side it went everywhere with you – this was your comforter. A comforter is a transitional object and a positive tool for children for various reasons including helping them to relax and feel secure when drifting off to sleep. The team at Slumber & Sprout recommend introducing a comforter to your little one so that they can experience the love of a comforter just like you may have when you were little.
When it comes to your little ones sleep, comforters can help to build a positive sleep association making falling asleep and resettling during the night easier for your child. The great thing about a comforter is the availability of it to soothe your little one day and night, helping them to feel secure, brave, regulate their emotions and work things out for themselves and in turn self-soothe. The power of a comforter just can’t be overlooked.
Once your little one is approx. 7 months of age a comforter is considered safe for unsupervised sleep. Prior to this age a comforter should only be used to work towards creating a bond with the object and while you are supervising your baby.
Other tips for introducing a comforter:
- Ensure the comforter is safe for your baby. Look for comforters made with 100% organic muslin, so they are super-soft, gentle and breathable to help keep baby comfortable and safe. They are also designed with an innovative loop to attach your baby's dummy which makes finding their dummy easier for them during sleep times.
- Your little one should be 7 months+ to sleep unsupervised with a comforter.
- Your little one must be unswaddled for sleeping with arms and hands out and uncovered.
- Make it smell like Mama - the scent of Mama is a powerful tool.
- Have a backup. Losing a special comforting object can be awful for a child so it’s important you have more than one and that all comforters are used regularly so that your child doesn’t favour one over the other.
- Introduce the comforter as part of your pre nap and bedtime routine i.e. sleeping bag on, read a book, turn on the white noise, pass the comforter and into bed. Having the comforter form part of your little ones bedtime ritual is what will help to build that relationship and sleep trigger between the comforter and sleep.
The most important thing about introducing a comforter is your little ones safety and that there no risk to your baby’s head/face being covered by anything soft or loose in their sleep environment.
Happy sleeping from the team Slumber & Sprout!
Baby Comforters