All the doubt and worry and ‘am I, aren’t I’ questions have been laid to rest with the confirmation of your pregnancy.
You feel that you are hugging a delightful secret and can’t to stop grinning at the world. If you haven’t told others your happy news yet, friends and colleagues might wonder what’s going on that is making you so happy.
How is baby developing at 6 weeks pregnant?
Your baby is growing extremely rapidly at this stage, and by now has doubled in size and is about 6mm long. As the embryo spends so much of its time curled up with the ‘tail’ tucked into the torso, measurement is typically taken from head to bottom.
The brain and nervous system are developing very quickly, and the digestive and respiratory systems are starting to form too.
There will be a defined bump at the head end, and the beginning of the spine gives the embryo a small tadpole shape. Tiny arm and leg buds are beginning to form, and organs like the brain, liver, kidneys, lungs, and musculoskeletal system are also starting.
The circulatory system is developing rapidly and is already starting to circulate blood. The tiny heart has divided into four chambers and a heartbeat of about 110 times a minute will be able to be detected this week.
Baby’s facial features are starting to form, albeit very slightly. The jaw, chin and cheeks are developing, and dark smudges mark the spots where eyes and nostrils will form and slight indentions on the sides of the head will eventually develop into the ears. If it were possible to see inside the mouth, you would notice a tiny tongue starting to grow. Vocal cords are also starting to develop.
The embryo is even covered in a thin layer of transparent skin. All this development is taking place while your baby is no larger than a lentil!
Symptoms during week 6
The list of side effects and symptoms seems endless!
Consider yourself extremely lucky if nausea and vomiting have by-passed you. You may be one of the fortunate few who will not suffer this unpleasant side effect of pregnancy. Your body just might be better able to handle the rapid rise in levels of hCG, estrogen, and other hormones that appear during the first trimester. But statistics show that at least 80% of women suffer from morning sickness, which usually starts by week 5 or 6.
At 6 weeks your body will not show a bump (unless you are expecting twins!) but you may feel some bloating which would make your tummy feel larger than normal. You could start to wear pants and skirts with loose waistbands to accommodate the bloat and afford you more comfort.
Frequent urination is a reality at this stage. Your kidneys are working hard at ridding your body of waste, which results in lots of trips to the bathroom. Tempting as it is, don’t cut back on liquids as you need to stay well hydrated. If your pee is light yellow or almost colourless, know that you are consuming the right amount of water.
Frequent peeing is normal for expectant mums, but experiencing pain when peeing is not and can be a warning that something is not right.
Urinary tract infections (UTI) can be common during pregnancy and should be taken seriously. This can be due to hormones, which can lead to vesicoureteral reflux, a condition in which urine flows back and into the kidneys. When pregnant, your urine has higher levels of protein and sugar, which puts you at higher risk for an infection. Sometimes it is difficult to empty your bladder completely due to the growing uterus pressing on the bladder, and this may also result in an infection.
Be on the lookout for these symptoms:
- an urgent need to pee
- burning sensation
- trouble in peeing
- blood in urine or a cloudy colour
- fever
- upper back pain, often on one side
Any of these symptoms may indicate a urinary tract or kidney infection. Visit your healthcare provider, who will be able to confirm the UTI with a urine test and will be able to treat you safely.
Feelings of moodiness are extremely common during pregnancy, and can be caused by a range of reasons, surging hormones being the most obvious. In addition, you are just getting used to the idea of being pregnant, and this can cause a rollercoaster of emotions. Stress and fatigue from disturbed sleep also plays a part.
Sensitive, tingly breasts, one of the earliest symptoms of pregnancy, are caused when hormones boost the blood flow to the breasts.
Experts are unsure what exactly causes early-pregnancy fatigue, but research shows that it is probably due to the sudden rise in progesterone. Whatever the reason, take care of yourself as best you can, and try to ensure a daily toes-up.
Try to identify the timing and cause of headaches to establish what triggers them. Prioritise getting sufficient sleep and rest, keep well hydrated and take part in appropriate activities like yoga, walking and swimming as these may relax you and help prevent a headache from starting. If you experience severe headaches, chat to your healthcare provider for suitable treatment and until then, avoid self-medicating with aspirin, ibuprofen and migraine drugs.
No wonder you are experiencing odd dreams. With so much going on in your life right now, your brain is constantly ticking away, and even your subconscious mind is trying to get to grips with all the changes.
As the reality of your pregnancy settles in, you may be feeling totally overwhelmed by emotions. Happy, joyful, nervous, or terrified!
Booking your first prenatal visit for two weeks’ time and making a list of questions will help to settle you. Take time to calm yourself - pamper yourself - spoil yourself. This is a special time for you and your partner. Enjoy your secret and enjoy each other.
Pregnancy Week by Week: Week 6