As a mother of seven I have been given several baby showers and attended many baby showers. Games are always looked forward too. Here are some fun games that will help liven up any baby shower.
Dirty Diaper
Fold small squares of napkin or paper towels to resemble a diaper. Fasten with a tiny gold diaper pin. Inside one of the diapers put a tiny drop of mustard. Each guest receives one on arriving. Have everyone open their diapers at once. The person who has the “poopy” diaper wins the prize.
Guess the Baby’s Weight
Have all the guests fill out a slip of paper with their guess of the baby’s weight. Mom-to-be will keep these and the prize will be awarded after the birth to the person who comes closest
Play Baby Bingo
Create bingo cards with common baby items on the cards that the mom might receive at her shower. Things like – diapers, booties, blankets, cap, baby powder, etc.
As the new mother unwraps her gifts guest mark off the items on their bingo card. First to get a straight row yells BABY and wins the prize.
Guess What is in the Baby Food Jar
Fill several baby food jars with different items. Use whatever you have around the house – salt, sugar, detergent, bubble bath – then have the guest write down what they think is in the jar. Winner is whoever gets the most correct. No tasting or smelling!
Match the Moms & Babies
Make a list of animals on one side of the paper. On the other side make a list of their babies (ie: Cow – calve). Guests try to match the correct baby names to the moms. Not always as easy as it sounds.
Don’t Say BABY
As each guest arrives to the shower they are given a spring type clothespin. They clip this on their shirt or blouse. The forbidden word is BABY (or a word of your choice). If one guest uses the term forbidden any other guest can claim that guest’s clothespin. The person with the most clothespins at the end wins.
By Belinda Mooney
Baby Shower Game Ideas