Embark on a heartwarming journey into family life with the lovable Burpee Bears, brought to life in the debut picture book by the nation's favourite PE teacher, Joe Wicks. This delightful series blends storytelling with exercise routines, creating a unique reading experience for families.
In this inaugural adventure, meet the Burpee Bears, a bear family whose daily escapades are filled with joy and exploration. Aligned with Joe's philosophy, each book not only weaves a positive narrative but also includes exercises and recipes—an ideal blend for families to enjoy together!
Key Features:
About the Author:
Joe Wicks, a celebrated British fitness coach and author, gained fame with his Lean in 15 series. Look out for his newest release, Wean in 15, available since May 2020.
About the Illustrator:
Paul Howard, a graphic design graduate, adds his artistic flair to The Burpee Bears. Residing in Ireland, he received the Blue Peter Children's Book Award in 2001.
Our product #: 222632