Morning sickness can put a damper on the otherwise exciting time of a new pregnancy. There are ways to cope with it! While not every solution may work for you, chances are that one of them will give you some relief.
Eat often: It may sound strange, but keeping food in your stomach can help combat the feeling of nausea. Keep some saltine crackers by your bed, and when you wake up, eat a few before getting out of bed. The longer your stomach is empty, the more likely you are to feel sick.
Join the band: “Seabands” or “Psi Bands” are sold in drug stores as a non-pharmaceutical way of dealing with nausea. By working with your pressure points on your wrists, the nausea is lessened. They can be used daily, and hidden under long sleeved shirts, if needed.
Have a mint: Peppermint is thought to have a therapeutic effect on an upset stomach. Carry a bag of peppermint hard candies in your purse to fight nausea during the day. Make sure they are not sugar-free however; the artificial sweeteners can cause additional stomach discomfort if eaten in large amounts.
Increase your B6: Vitamin B6 is thought to help curb morning sickness. It can be purchased over the counter, and taken in doses of 50 mg. twice per day.
Chew on this: If the thought of swallowing your prenatal vitamin makes you ill, talk to your doctor about substituting a chewable version. This may be an easier way to ensure your growing baby gets the nutrients it needs.
If all else fails, there are prescription medication that can help with the morning sickness. Talk to your doctor if you are unable to eat or keep hydrated, as additional medical attention may be required. Remember, morning sickness will not last forever, and it will be nothing but a memory once your little one arrives!
Morning Sickness Survival Tips