Newborn babies cry for many reasons, they are wet, tired, hungry, cold, hot or need to be held. It is difficult sometimes to know why baby is crying, especially after you have met all his basic needs such as a clean diaper, food, being burped or being held. Below are a few ways to soothe your baby if the crying just won’t stop.
- Hold baby in your arms while walking or rocking in a chair. Babies need physical contact and enjoy the repetitive movement. Babies cannot be held too much or spoiled by being held no matter what you have heard. You can never give a baby too much love and attention.
- Use a pacifier. If baby has been fed but needs comfort, try using a pacifier. Babies have an inherent need to suck and this can be soothing to them.
- Swaddle baby in a soft blanket. Babies, especially newborns, love to be snug in a blanket because it makes them feel like they are still in the womb. Wrap baby snuggly, but not so tight that he cannot move or becomes too hot.
- Try baby massage. Babies love touch so try gently rubbing baby’s back, legs, feet and arms. Use a little baby lotion that you have warmed in your hands so your hands glide softly over baby’s skin.
- Play soft music. Babies like music and some soft background music may distract and calm baby enough to stop crying. Try music while you are rocking baby, too. The combination is a sure winner.
- Try a baby swing. Babies love the rhythmic movement of a swing and will usually calm down enough to actually sleep. Make sure baby is old enough to hold his head up safely in the swing and never leave baby unattended.
- Go into a quiet room. Baby may be over-stimulated if the room is noisy or too many people have been holding him. Try taking baby to a quiet room and walk or rock him for awhile.
- Try looking into a mirror. Babies love their reflection so try holding baby in front of a mirror to distract him from crying. Make silly faces and smile a lot. This might draw baby’s attention away from his crying.
- Give baby a warm bath. Warm water is soothing and using one of the new baby bath scents like lavender can help too.
- Take a drive. If in doubt this one almost always works. Babies love a car ride – it lolls them to sleep.
- If baby has been crying for a long time try handing baby off to another person to give yourself a break. Sometimes the sound of a baby crying can stress you out too and baby can sense your tension. If this is the case maybe baby will calm down in someone else’s arms.
If baby continues to cry for no reason you can determine take him to your pediatrician. Your baby may be ill or allergic to a food or product you are using. Or your baby may have colic. Whatever the reason, it is better to have baby checked rather than worry that something is wrong. In most cases baby is just letting off steam and needs a little extra attention. Try one or all of the suggestions above until you find what works for you to help soothe your baby.
Deanna Lynn Sletten
Soothe a Fussy Baby