All mothers can relate to the feeling of being overwhelmed. In today’s world, moms have careers and take care of a family. However, there are ways to help make things a little easier. Here are ten tips and secrets that all mothers should have in their arsenal.
- Take care of yourself.
Things won’t fall apart if you’re hungry or tired and decide to postpone some task in order to eat or sleep. In fact, the opposite may happen. Your family needs you to be healthy even if they won’t admit it. Being well nourished and rested will help you go about your day with extra vigour.
- Don’t feel guilty.
You can’t do everything. You may not be able to attend every single event in school because you have to work. If your child wants something that you can’t afford, let the child know that and the fact that you can’t go through life getting every single thing that you want.
- Set a good example.
Teaching your child to be a good human being can be hard. Children need people to look up to while learning life’s lessons. If you lead a good life and follow your own values, it will be easier instilling them in your child.
- Be consistent with discipline.
Make sure to enforce rules every single time. Don’t let your child get away with bad behaviour even if there are times when you’re in a rush. Good behaviour comes only through consistent disciplining. This way, things won’t spiral out of control later and force you to take drastic measures. Make sure your husband is on the same page.
- Set aside quality time with each child.
Children flourish and behave better when they know you listen to them and take interest in their lives. Be involved in their interests and activities as much as possible.
- Make chores for fun.
If you give your child small tasks, encourage them to have fun while doing them. Play music, involve them while you prepare meals or give them the responsibility of finding certain items on your grocery list.
- Take family trips.
Make it a habit to do fun things away from the home with the entire family. Even just a day trip to the zoo or park can be refreshing for everyone.
- Remind yourself that you are all human.
Don’t expect your child to be perfect all the time. Understand that children learn different things at different paces. Set realistic expectations for yourself as well. You may not be able to tackle every single task everyday, so give yourself some leeway.
- Ask for help if you need it.
Don’t try to be a hero and do everything yourself. Your family doesn’t expect you to be wonder woman. Delegate small tasks to your children and husband, and ask friends and family for a little help now and then. A neighbour may be willing to look after the kids for a while if you want to go out for a quiet dinner with your husband.
- Don’t forget to pay attention to your husband.
If your husband feels loved, he’ll reciprocate and help more around the house and with the kids. This way everyone will be happy!
By: Claudine Lewis
Top 10 Tips for Supermoms