Breastfeeding can be a beautiful experience for many, but it's not always easy, especially in the first weeks. It's normal to feel emotions like stress and anxiety but also pure joy! Motherhood is beautiful chaos. Your baby's first two weeks of life are the most important for establishing milk supply, especially for first-time mothers. And we are here to help!
Recover from birth and focus on the latch
For the first couple of days, give yourself grace, recover from birth, and learn how to latch correctly and understand your baby's hunger cues. Keep your baby close the first day while they also recover from the exhaustion of birth. You're both tired! Your first milk colostrum is thicker than breast milk and is full of all the nutrition your baby needs, it contains antibodies and other substances that protect them against gastrointestinal and respiratory infections. You'll continue to produce colostrum until your full breast milk supply comes in (which typically happens two to three days after birth). Encourage your baby to search for and latch on to your nipple. It's normal for your breasts to feel tender during your first feed, and we recommend Bravado Designs Original Nursing Bra, designed to comfort you during this tender period. It's made with a breathable and sustainable blend of organic cotton. But if you feel pain and don't hear them swallowing, their latch might be incorrect. Get your latch checked by a nurse or lactation consultant.
Frequent Feeds & Engorgement
Following the first few days, your baby is much more alert and hungry and will want to nurse every two to three hours. Expect breast engorgement from increased milk production by breastfeeding frequently. If your baby is having difficulty latching, you may need to self-express or pump your breasts for colostrum and feed it to her with a slow-flow bottle. Your nurse or lactation consultant can teach you how. We recommend investing in a good pumping bra. Bravado Designs Original Pumping & Nursing Bra will provide you with the ease of pumping without changing. If breast engorgement interferes with your milk flow, apply cold packs to your breasts between feedings to reduce swelling and consult your doctor or lactation consultant for additional help.
Cluster Feeds & More Predictable Breastfeeding Routine
Your breasts will continue to feel fuller and heavier and start leaking as your milk comes in. It can take up to six or more days after birth for your full milk production to start and vary differently for the mother based on delivery. Delayed milk production typically has no bearing on your ability to have a full milk supply. Your baby is most likely receiving more milk than she did before. You may now notice a more regular nursing pattern and sleeping pattern. You may find that your baby prefers to "cluster feed" at certain times, meaning they nurse almost continuously for a few hours rather than nursing only once every two to three hours. Near the end of your first two weeks of breastfeeding, your baby will likely have a growth spurt and will want to nurse more often than expected. This can last a few days until your baby meets their needs, and your milk supply will likely adjust to meet these demands. Your breasts may not feel as full as they did during the first two weeks. This does not mean that you don't have enough milk. If your baby seems satisfied after feedings and is gaining weight, they are getting enough! The most important piece of advice: Be easy on yourself.
Your Guide To The First Week of Nursing